
The Gulotta Group, LLC was formed in 2010 to provide high quality, affordable training and technical assistance to community development and housing professionals like you. Workshops and training are provided in a convenient and interactive format, bringing experience and expertise to those who wish to be effective in their redevelopment efforts.
Because of the extensive community development and housing experience of principal Chris Gulotta, the firm specializes in a case study approach to training, based on actual projects in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania.
Christopher Gulotta, Principal
Chris Gulotta served as Executive Director of the Redevelopment and Housing Authorities of Cumberland County for thirty years from December 1, 1980 until November 30, 2010. As Executive Director of the Redevelopment and Housing Authorities, Mr. Gulotta was responsible for developing and implementing housing and community development strategies for Cumberland and Perry Counties (Perry County does not have a Housing or Redevelopment Authority). It is noteworthy that Perry County and the western half of Cumberland County are primarily rural in nature.
Mr. Gulotta has led strategic planning sessions with elected and appointed officials, non- profit organizations as well as private citizens in a variety of areas including economic and community development, homelessness, and the redevelopment of downtowns and rural town centers.
In addition to his strategic planning acumen in the area of housing and community development, Mr. Gulotta is a recognized expert on how to package public and public financing to obtain results. During his time with the Redevelopment and Housing Authorities the organization had over twenty-five national and state award winning projects which addressed compelling community needs, demonstrated innovation and leveraged private funding.
Mr. Gulotta has worked with private developers and non-profit organizations to develop housing for modest income households and commercial projects which created jobs for neighborhood residents. Mr. Gulotta’s working knowledge of the real estate development process has been helpful in moving projects from the concept phase to the build-out phase.
During Mr. Gulotta’s tenure at the Redevelopment Authority the agency used a variety of federal funding/tax incentive programs to produce affordable housing including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, the HOME and CDBG Programs, the Federal Home Loan Bank Affordable Housing Program, and McKinney-Vento Homeless Programs. State funding programs utilized included the Housing and Redevelopment Assistance Program, the New Communities Program, and the Neighborhood Assistance Program.
Mr. Gulotta is a graduate of Dickinson College, the Penn State University Masters Degree Program in Urban and Regional Planning, and the Dickinson School of Law.
Mr. Gulotta has served on the following statewide-wide and regional boards:
- Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh Affordability Housing Advisory Council
- Regional Economic Development District Initiatives (REDDI) Board of Directors
- Murata Business Center Advisory Board
- Cumberland County Economic Development Board
- Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania
- PA DCED Regional Homeless Advisory Board
- Capitol Area Transit
- Harrisburg Area Community College Board of Trustees
Throughout his career, Mr. Gulotta has received numerous awards, among them the 2010 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Supportive Housing Award, the 2008 Leadership Award from the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania, and the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award from Dickinson College.