Our Services
The Gulotta Group, LLC offers half-day workshops, full-day technical assistance and on-site training visits, and strategic planning facilitation. Other services are available on an hourly rate basis.
Half-Day Workshops
Workshops are offered on the following topics:
Community Development
- 2010 Census: Navigating through the Census and Emerging Trends
- A Primer for Developing and Financing Urban Real Estate: Issues and Challenges
- Developing and Implementing a Community Sustainability Program
- Encouraging Small Business Start-ups and Expansions in Your Community: Financing Solutions
- Redeveloping Blighted Properties: Tools and Strategies, Financing Solutions
- Strategies for Revitalizing Your Residential Neighborhoods
- The New Reality: Redeveloping Deteriorated Properties in an Era of Diminishing Resources
Affordable Housing
- 2010 Census: Navigating through the Census and Emerging Trends
- Developing Housing for Persons With Special Needs: (persons who are homeless and persons with disabilities
- Primer for Developing Affordable Housing
- The New Reality: Developing Housing in an Era of Diminishing Resources
The Gulotta Group contracts with organizations to provide the workshops. For a detailed description of workshops, please contact us at gulottagroup@pa.net.
On-site Technical Assistance and Training Visit
Communities and other organizations may benefit from a one day technical assistance visit from The Gulotta Group in order to formulate strategies for tackling community development and/or affordable housing issues.
Please contact us at gulottagroup@pa.net for detailed information on our on-site technical assistance and training.
Strategic Planning Facilitation
Community development and housing organizations are faced with new challenges every day. Recently, state and federal funding reductions have put even more pressure on these organizations to identify core program priorities and to develop action plans for implementing these priorities. The Gulotta Group has developed a scope of work for these facilitation services, available upon request.
Technical assistance in implementing an action plan is available as a set fee or on an hourly rate basis. Please contact us at gulottagroup@pa.net for details.